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Frister, Roman

LC control no.n 88660237
LC classificationPJ5054.F737
Personal name headingFrister, Roman
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Variant(s)פריסטר, רומן
רומן פריסטר
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found innuc88-103003: His La Maison des Levy, c1981 (hdg. on MiU rept.: Frister, Roman; usage: Roman Frister)
His Le-lo pesharah, c1987: t.p. (Roman Frisṭer) t.p. verso (Roman Frister [in rom.]) p. 4 of cover (b. 1928, Poland; journalist; teaches at Bar-Ilan Univ.)