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Swanson, Diane, 1944-

LC control no.n 89623125
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSwanson, Diane, 1944-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Swanson, Carol Diane, 1944-
Associated countryCanada
LocatedVancouver Island (B.C.)
Birth date1944
Field of activityNatural history Children's literature
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found innuc89-42517: Bowers, V. Exploring Canada, 1985 (hdg. on CaBVaU rept.: Swanson, Diane, 1944- ; usage: Diane Swanson)
Sanders, D. The emerald sea, c1993: CIP t.p. (Diane Swanson) data sheet (b. 1944) pub. info. (auth. of natural hist. books for young readers; lives in Vancouver Island, B.C.)
NLC, 3-28-85 (Swanson, Diane, 1944- )
Swanson, Diane. Mysterious you, burp!, c2001: t.p. (Diane Swanson)
Wildlife in the city, 2019: CIP title page (Diane Swanson) LAC CIP application (Canadian)
National bib agency no.0021L1419E
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNn 2002019454
Quality codenlc