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Dickerson, Matthew T., 1963-

LC control no.n 90690690
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDickerson, Matthew T., 1963-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeMiddlebury (Vt.)
Birth date1963-06-12
AffiliationMiddlebury College
Profession or occupationAuthors Novelists Computer scientists
Found inThe Finnsburg connection, 1991: CIP title page (Matthew Dickerson) data sheet (born June 12, 1963) book title page (Matthew T. Dickerson) back cover (professor at Middlebury College, Vermont)
Dickerson, Matthew T. The gifted, 2015: title page (Matthew Dickerson), back cover (Matthew Dickerson is the author of two previous novels of medieval heroic romance: The Finnsburg encounter; and, The rood and the torc; he is also a scholar on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis and the author of several books about fantasy literature, including: A hobbit journey; From Homer to Harry Potter; Narnia and the fields of Arbol; lives in Vermont; teaches at Middlebury College)
A tale of three rivers, 2018: ECIP title page (Matthew Dickerson) data view (Email:
Middlebury College, Department of Computer Science website, viewed July 5, 2018: link to Faculty & Office Hours page (Matthew Dickerson, Professor of Computer Science; Ph. D. in computer science from Cornell University; completed his 25th year at Middlebury in 2014; also did graduate work in Old English Language and Literature and recently published a historical novel titled The Rood and the Torc; he is an internationally known scholar on the works of J.R.R.Tolkien)
Associated languageeng