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Gang Starr (Musical group)

LC control no.n 91109112
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingGang Starr (Musical group)
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Variant(s)GangStarr (Musical group)
See alsoMember: DJ Premier, 1966-
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Member: Guru (Musician)
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Beginning date1985
LocatedBoston (Mass.)
Field of activityRap (Music)
Found inIts Step in the arena [SR] p1990: label (Gang Starr)
Music from and inspired by the motion picture 8 mile [SR] p2002: container (GangStarr)
Wikipedia, Mar. 18, 2014 (Gang Starr was an influential East Coast hip hop duo that consisted of the late MC Guru and DJ/producer DJ Premier. The group was founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 1985 by by Keith Elam (then known as Keithy E. The Guru) and DJ 1, 2 B-Down (also known as Mike Dee) with various producers, such as Donald D, J.V. Johnson or DJ Mark the 45 King helping out. In 1987 and 1988, In 1989, the group split and the only member willing to continue under the name Gang Starr was Guru. He soon got in touch with Houston native DJ Premier (then known as Waxmaster C) who sent him a beat tape, which Guru liked. He invited DJ Premier to join Gang Starr and in that same year they released their first single.)