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Everlast (Musician)

LC control no.n 92029371
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEverlast (Musician)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ford, Whitey
Schrody, Eric
Schrody, Erik
Found inHis Forever everlasting [SR] p1990: label (Everlast) (Everlast; Erik Schrody; rap musician)
Enc. of pop. mus., 3rd ed. (Everlast; b. Eric Schrody, U.S.; rapper)
Whatever, discs six, seven [SR] 2005: container (Everlast)
U.S. copyright file, Jan. 9, 2009 (Schrody, Erik, 1969- )
Wikipedia, Oct. 8, 2010 (Everlast; b. Erik Schrody, Aug. 18, 1969, Valley Stream, N.Y.; also known as Whitey Ford, Mr. White, Whitey Farad)
Everlast (Musician). Whitey Ford sings the blues [SR] p1998.
The Mod Squad [SR] p1999: container (Everlast)
Invalid LCCNno2007036146 no2010190339