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Haas, Lukas, 1976-

LC control no.n 93059696
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHaas, Lukas, 1976-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date19760416
Place of birthWest Hollywood (Calif.)
Profession or occupationActors Musicians
Found inRyan White, my own story, p1991: cassette (Lukas Haas; reader)
Internet Movie Database (Lukas Haas, b. 16 April 1976 in West Hollywood, CA)
David Blaine - Fearless, 2002, c2000: title frame (Lukas Haas, music)
Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 28, 2014 (under Lukas Haas: Lukas Daniel Haas; b. Apr. 16, 1976, West Hollywood, Calif.; actor and musician; drummer and pianist for the Rogues; has composed parts of several film soundtracks)
Associated languageeng
Invalid LCCNno2009119561