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Kaiserwald (Concentration camp)

LC control no.n 97050711
Corporate name headingKaiserwald (Concentration camp)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ḳaiserṿald (Concentration camp)
Riga-Kaiservald (Concentration camp)
Found inPetsaʻim she-lo higlidu, 1991: p. 93 (Ḳaizerṿald)
Encyc. Judaica: v. 14, p. 175 (Kaiserwald, concentration camp near Riga)
NUCMC data from Tauber Holocaust Lib. for Sol Roth survivor testimony, undated (Roth was interned at Riga-Kaiservald)
Not found inBritannica Micro., Web. geog.; Lippincott
Invalid LCCNsh 92003334