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Cerska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

LC control no.n 97065201
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingCerska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
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Geographic subdivision usageBosnia and Herzegovina--Cerska
LocatedBosnia and Herzegovina
Found inU.S. Defense Mapping Agency. Hydrographic/Topographic Center. Bosnia and Herzegovina city graphic 1:10,000. Cerska, c1993.
GEOnet 6-25-97 (Cerska, PPLL, 44°15ʹ34ʺN 19°01ʹ53ʺE, Bosnia and Herz.)
Wikipedia, 13 Feb. 2015 (Cerska is a small town in the municipality of Vlasenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina located 12 kilometers from the town of Vlasenica itself and 11 km from the Serbian border)
Geographic area codee-bn---