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Kekkonen, Sylvi

LC control no.n 98113174
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPH355.K43
Personal name headingKekkonen, Sylvi
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Birth date1900-03-12
Death date1974-12-02
Place of birthPieksämäki (Finland)
Place of deathHelsinki (Finland)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Found inRakas Häiskä, 1997: t.p. (Sylvi Kekkosen ...) foreword (b. 1900)
LC data base, Dec. 30, 1998 (hdg.: Kekkonen, Sylvi)
Internet search, Dec. 30, 1998 (Sylvi Kekkonen (1990-1974); maiden name Uino)
Wikipedia (Finnish), June 5, 2019 (Sylvia (Sylvi) Salome Kekkonen; born March 12, 1900 in Pieksämäki; December 2, 1974 in Helsinki; Finnish author; wife of Finnish president Urho Kekkonen)
Associated languagefin