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Beloret︠s︡kiĭ raĭon (Russia)

LC control no.n 99057455
Geographic headingBeloret︠s︡kiĭ raĭon (Russia)
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Geographic subdivision usageRussia (Federation)--Beloret︠s︡kiĭ raĭon
Variant(s)Beloretskiy rayon (Russia)
Found inBeloret︠s︡k, between 1996 and 1999: p. 51 (Beloret︠s︡kiĭ raĭon)
Geonet on WWW, 08-11-99 (Beloretskiy rayon; ADMD; 54°00ʹN, 58°00ʹE)
Geographic area codee-ru---