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Fedele, Cassandra, 1465?-1558

LC control no.n 99262883
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPA8520.F392
Personal name headingFedele, Cassandra, 1465?-1558
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Variant(s)Fidelis, Cassandrae, 1465?-1558
Associated countryItaly
LocatedVenice (Italy)
Birth date1465?
Death date1558
Place of birthVenice (Italy)
Field of activitySpeeches, addresses, etc.
Latin poetry
Women--Education (Higher)
Profession or occupationOrators
Authors, Latin (Medieval and modern)
Found inHer Letters and orations, 2000: CIP t.p. (Cassandra Fedele)
LC database, Oct. 4, 1999 (hdg.: Fedele, Cassandra, 1465?-1558)
OCLC 866988736: Clarissimae feminae Cassandrae Fidelis Venetae Epistolae & orationes posthumae, 1636 (access point: Fedele, Cassandra, 1465?-1558)
Wikipedia, Nov. 17, 2014 (Cassandra Fedele; born ca. 1465 in Venice, Italy; died 1558 in Venice, Italy; reached fluency in Greek and Latin at the age of twelve; achieved fame through her writing and oratorical abilities; she also wrote Latin poetry; she participated with influential humanists in public debates on philosophical and theological issues and was asked to speak in front of the doge Agostino Barbarigo and the Venetian Senate on the subject of higher education for women; was praised for her excellence in both Latin and Italian)
Associated languagelat ita gre