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Bahrfeldt, Max von, 1856-1936

LC control no.nb2010018054
Personal name headingBahrfeldt, Max von, 1856-1936
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Von Bahrfeldt, Max, 1856-1936
Found inDas Eigentum, 1904
BL database, 13 Jul. 2010 (hdgs.: Bahrfeldt, Max, Bahrfeldt, Max Ferdinand von; usage: Max von Bahrfeldt)
Wikipedia, 13 Jul. 2010 (Max von Bahrfeldt; Max Ferdinand Bahrfeldt, ennobled as von Barfeldt in 1913, 6 Feb. 1856-11 Apr. 1936. Prussian General, local historian and numismatist)