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Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob, 1665-1721

LC control 00052845
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCamerarius, Rudolf Jakob, 1665-1721
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Variant(s)Camerarius, R. J. (Rudolf Jakob), 1665-1721
Camerarius, Rudolphus Jacobus, 1665-1721
Birth date1665
Death date1721
Found inUeber das Geschlecht der Pflanzen, 1899: t.p. (R.J. Camerarius)
Valentini, Michael Bernhard. Polychresta exotica, 1701: p. 225, caption (... De sexu plantarum epistola D. Rudolphi Jacobi Camerarii, Profess. Tubingensis)
World biog. index (online), Nov. 18, 1999 (Camerarius, Rudolf Jakob, 1665-1721; physician; botanist)
Invalid LCCNn 2002079628