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Guzmán, Leonor de, 1310?-1351

LC control 00079156
Personal name headingGuzmán, Leonor de, 1310?-1351
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)De Guzmán, Leonor, 1310?-1351
Found inAmor es rey tan grande, c2000: t.p. (Leonor de Guzmán)
Gran enc. de España, 1990: (Leonor de Guzmán; mistress of Alfonso XI, King of Castile; b. 1310?; d. 1351; mother of Henry II, King of Castile)
Dic. de Historia de España, 2. ed.: (Leonor de Guzmán; b. ?; d. 1351, Talavera)
LC database, Sept. 27, 2000 (hdg.: Guzmán, Leonor de, 1310-1351? [from old catalog]