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Güines, Tata

LC control no.no2001024660
Personal name headingGüines, Tata
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Soto Alejo, Arístides
Alejo, Arístides Soto
Soto, Federico Arístides
Found inSepteto Nacional de Ignacio Piñeiro. Más Cuba libres [SR] p1999: container (Tata Güines, vocals)
Times online WWW site, Feb. 6, 2008 (Tata Guines; b. Arístides Soto Alejo, June 30, 1930, Guines, east of Havana; d. Feb. 4, 2008; "king of the drums" sought after by the cream of Cuban musicians)
New York times WWW site, Feb. 7, 2008 (Tata Güines; b. Federico Arístides Soto, Güines, southeast of Havana; d. Monday [Feb. 4, 2008], Havana, aged 77; one of the most important percussionists on the tumbadora, or conga drum, in the first generation of Afro-Cuban jazz and son montuno)