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LC control no.no2004120057
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAbishag
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Abishag, the Shulamite
Abishag, the Shunamite
Found inLa belle sunamite, c2003: p. 9 (Abishag)
OCLC, Dec. 3, 2004 (Abishag the Shulamite; Abishag, the Shunamite; Avishag)
Harper's bible dictionary, 1985: p. 5 (Abishag, a Shunamite maiden brought to minister to the dying King David) p. 948 (Shunamite, a native of the town of Shunem; Abishag, who nursed David in his old age, was from Shunem)
Baker encyclopedia of Bible places, 1995: p. 282-283 (Shunem, Shunammite. A town in the territory of Issachar near Jezreel ... from Shunem also David's men brought the beautiful Abishag to confort their aged king)