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Mayhem (Musical group)

LC control no.no2005017451
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML421.M414 Biography
Corporate name headingMayhem (Musical group)
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See alsoMember: Hellhammer, 1969-
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LocatedOslo (Norway)
Field of activityHeavy metal (Music) Black metal (Music)
Found inMayhem (Musical group). Mediolanum capta est [SR] p1999: label (Mayhem)
Wikipedia, May 5, 2015: (Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band formed in 1984 in Oslo, regarded as one of the pioneers of the Norwegian black metal scene; highly controversial due to violent stage performances, the 1991 suicide of vocalist Per Yngve Ohlin, stage name Dead, and the 1993 murder of guitarist Øystein Aarseth, stage name Euronymous, by former member Varg Vikernes; at that point Mayhem disbanded, reforming later with surviving members Jan Axel Blomberg or Hellhammer, Jørn Stubberud or Necrobutcher, and Sven Erik Kristiansen or Maniac)