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Didymus, of Alexandria, active 4th century-5th century

LC control no.no2009028682
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDidymus, of Alexandria, active 4th century-5th century
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Variant(s)Didymos, of Alexandria, active 4th century-5th century
Didymus, of Alexandria, 4th/5th cent.
Beginning date03
Ending date04
Special noteNot the same as Didymus, Chalcenterus or Didymus, the Blind, ca. 313-ca. 398, who were also associated with Alexandria.
Found inGeoponica, sive, Cassiani Bassi scholastici De re rustica eclogae, 1994: (name not given)
OCLC, 24 Feb. 2009 (hdg.: Didymus, of Alexandria, writer on agriculture; no usage)
Paulys Realencyclopädie v. 5, p. 445 (Didymos aus Alexandria, physician and writer on agriculture, work named Geōrgica (Γεωργικά); lived at the same time as Anatolius of Berytus (4th/5th cent. AD))