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Andrews, Terry, 1929-1989

LC control no.no2010100781
Personal name headingAndrews, Terry, 1929-1989
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See alsoPseudonym of George Selden Thompson. For works of this author written under a different pseudonym, search also under: Selden, George, 1929-1989
Selden, George, 1929-1989
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Special noteFormerly included on undifferentiated name record n 85052404
Found inStory of Harold, 1975: t.p. (Terry Andrews)
LC in OCLC, 7/18/85 (hdg: Andrews, Terry)
LC data base, 7/31/85 (hdg.: Andrews, Terry)
GLBTQ, 28 June 2010 (Andrews, Terry, 1929-1989, pseudonym under which was published The story of Harold; real author is George Selden Thompson, who wrote children's books as George Selden; May 14, 1929-Dec. 5, 1989)