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Palestine Railways

LC control no.no2010151235
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingPalestine Railways
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Variant(s)Palestine. Palestine Railways
Palestine. Mesilot ha-barzel ha-Paleśtinaʼiyot (E.Y.)
Mesilot ha-barzel ha-Paleśtinaʼiyot (E.Y.)
Palestine. Mesilat ha-barzel
Palestine. Mesilot ha-barzel
ארץ ישראל. מסלית הברזל
ארץ ישראל מסילות הברזל
מסילות הברזל הפלשתינאיות (א''י)
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inReport of the general manager on the administration of the Palestine railways and operated lines, 1946/47: t.p. (Government of Palestine, Palestine Railways)
OCLC, Aug. 3, 2010 (hdgs: Palestine Railways, Palestine. Railroad Administration, Palestine. Railways Administration; usage: Palestine Railways, Government of Palestine, Palestine Railways)
Taḳanot ṿe-horaʼot le-hadrakhat ha-peḳidim ṿeha-ʻovdim, 1927: title page (מסילות הברזל הפלשתינאיות = Mesilot ha-barzel ha-Palestinaʼiyot (E.Y.)(, viewed December 10, 2018 (heading: ארץ ישראל. מסילת הברזל = Erets Yiśraʼel. Mesilat ha-barzel; cross-reference: ארץ ישרא. מסילות הברזל = Erets Yiśraʼel. Mesilot ha-barzel)