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Dadaab (Kenya)

LC control no.no2013105601
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingDadaab (Kenya)
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Geographic subdivision usageKenya--Dadaab
Found inOut of Somalia, 2012: p. following t.p. (the three refugee camps of Dadaab -- Dagahaley, Ifo and Hagadera -- were created 20 years ago, in the northeastern province of Kenya, for refugees from civil war in Somalia; another wave arrived beginning in 2006; Dadaab has today become the biggest refugee camp in the world, housing close to half a million people)
GEOnet, Sep. 26, 2013 (Dadaab (approved); ADM1 Garissa; two entries, for a well and a market, none for ppl; 00°03'39"N 040°18'31"E)
The Center for Victims of Torture website, viewed Sep. 26, 2013 (Dadaab, Kenya; the Dadaab refugee complex in northeast Kenya; created at the start of the Somali civil war in 1991; most refugees are from Somalia, others from South Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea and other countries; aerial view of Dadaab town, Kenya near the Dadaab refugee complex)
Borderless Higher Education for Refugees (BHER) website, viewed Sep. 26, 2013 (Dadaab camps; Dadaab, Kenya is a town and region about 100 km from the Kenya-Somalia border; there are 6 refugee camps within the region of Dadaab, that stretch over 50 sq. km in eastern Kenya; first camp began operating in 1992; map shows Dadaab Town with nearby camps)
IRIN Africa website, Kenya: Dadaab--locals vs refugees, Sep. 2, 2011, viewed Sep. 26, 2013 (Dadaab, world's largest refugee complex; town in Kenya's arid Garissa region, about 80 km from Somalia; Somali refugees outnumber locals in Dadaab by at least a quarter of a million; the host population has ballooned from 15,000 in 1989 to at least 148,000 due to recurrent drought)
Geographic area codef-ke---