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Lipska, Sara, 1882-1973

LC control no.no2014071535
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLipska, Sara, 1882-1973
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Lipska, Sarah, 1882-1973
Lipszyc, Sara, 1882-1973
LocatedParis (France)
Birth date1882-12-07
Death date1973-11-28
Place of birthMława (Poland)
Place of deathParis (France)
Field of activityArtists Fashion designers Interior decorators
Found inSara Lipska : w cieniu mistrza = Sarah Lipska : dans l'ombre du maître, 2012
DNB via VIAF, April 23, 2014 (Sara Lipska, 1882-1973; died in Paris, France)
French Wikipedia, April 23, 2014 (Sarah Lipska, born in Poland)
Sara Lipska, 2023: title page (Sara Lipska) page 29 (born 7 December 1882 in Mława) page 41 (used the name Sara Lipszyc during her studies at the Warszawska Szkoła Sztuk Pięknych)
Wikipedia, viewed September 18, 2024: Polish Sara Lipska page (Sara Lipska; born 7 December 1882 in Mława; died 28 November 1973 in Paris; Polish painter, sculptor, fashion designer, interior designer; of Jewish background; lived in Paris from 1912)