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Andromeda, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological ...

LC control no.no2014132513
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAndromeda, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
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Variant(s)Andoromedā, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Andromedah, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Andromedē, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Andŭromeda, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Ανδρομέδη, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Ανδρομέδα, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Андромеда, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
אנדרומדה, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
アンドロメダー, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
안드로메다, Princess, daughter of Cepheus, King of Ethiopia (Mythological character)
Profession or occupationPrincesses
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHetzner, Udo. Andromeda und Tarpeia, 1963.
Britannica online, October 7, 2014 (Andromeda, in Greek mythology, beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa in Palestine (called Ethiopia) and wife of Perseus)
The Oxford classical dictionary, 1996 (Andromeda, in mythology, the daughter of Cepheus, king of the Ethiopians, and his wife Cassiepeia or Cassiope)
Dictionary of classical antiquities, 1956 (Andrŏmĕda. Daughter of the Æthiopian king Cēpheus (a son of Belus) by Cassiopeia)
Harper's dictionary of classical literature and antiquities, c1923 (Andromĕda (Aνδρομέδη = Andromedē). The daughter of Cepheus, king of Aethiopia, and Cassiopea)
Wikipedia, October 7, 2014 (Andromeda (mythology), a princess from Greek mythology; in Greek mythology, Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, king and queen of the North African kingdom of Aethiopia; Her name is the Latinized form of the Greek Ανδρομέδα = Andromeda or Ανδρομέδη = Andromedē) Bulgarian page (Андромеда = Andromeda) Greek page (Ανδρομέδα = Andromeda) Esperanto page (Andromedo) French page (Andromède) Korean page (안드로메다 = Andŭromeda) Hebrew page (אנדרומדה = Andromedah) Japanese page (アンドロメダー = Andoromedā)
The mythology of the constellations website, October 7, 2014: Andromeda (Andromeda. The Princess. Andromeda was the princess of Ethiopia, daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia)
Invalid LCCNsh 86001618