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Hodge, Max, 1916-2007

LC control no.no2014167152
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHodge, Max, 1916-2007
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date19160212
Death date20070717
Place of birthMathersville (Ill.)
Place of deathWoodland Hills (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Profession or occupationTelevision writers Television producers and directors
Found inBatman, 2014: credits (Max Hodge; writer)
Internet movie database, December 18, 2014 (Max Hodge; writer, producer; born Max E. Hodge, February 12, 1916, Mathersville, Illinois; died July 17, 2007, Woodland Hills, California; worked primarily in television; also wrote and produced industrial shows for Oldsmobile in the 1950s)
Associated languageeng