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Rosner, Leo, 1918-2008

LC control no.no2015033663
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRosner, Leo, 1918-2008
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Variant(s)Rosner, Leopold, 1918-2008
Birth date1918
Death date2008
Place of birthKraków (Poland)
Place of deathMelbourne (Vic.)
Field of activityHolocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) Concentration camp inmates as musicians
AffiliationPlaszów (Concentration camp) Brünnlitz (Concentration camp) Gross-Rosen (Concentration camp)
Profession or occupationAccordionists
Found inUS Holocaust Memorial Museum catalog, 13 March 2015 (Leo Rosner was an inmate of Plaszow, Brinnlitz, and Gross-Rosen camps from 1943 to 1945; played accordion at Amon Goeth's parties at Plaszow), 13 March 2015 (Obituary October 2008: Leo Rosner died in Melbourne; born into a musical family in Krakow, Poland in 1918))
USC Shoah Foundation online, 13 March 2015 (name at birth Leopold Rosner)
OCLC, 13 March 2015 (Rosner, Leo)