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Baggins, Bilbo

LC control no.no2015091501
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBaggins, Bilbo
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bilbo (Hobbit)
Associated countryMiddle Earth (Imaginary place)
Found inThe encyclopedia of Arda, via WWW, July 25, 2005 (Bilbo Baggins, The Ring-finder. Dates: Born 22 September III 2890, passed over the Sea 29 September III 3021 (1290-1421 by the Shire-reckoning). Race: Hobbits. Culture: Shire-hobbits. Family: Baggins. Head of the Baggins family, he dwelt alone at Bag End, Hobbiton, until Gandalf involved him in the Quest of Erebor in 2941 (Third Age), and so drew the Hobbits into the great affairs of the end of the Third Age. During his journey to the Lonely Mountain, Bilbo came upon the One Ring in an orc-hold of the Misty Mountains.)
Fiction catalog, 2001: p. 646 (Bilbo Baggins)
Fantasy literature, 1990: p. 211 (Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit)
The Hobbit, 1972: page 15 (Bilbo Baggins, fictitious character, Hobbit)
Lord of the rings wiki, via www, 6 July, 2015 (Bilbo Baggins ; born 22 September 2890 ; hobbit)
Invalid LCCNsh2005020551