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Sidibé, Mamady, 1979-

LC control no.no2016008374
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSidibé, Mamady, 1979-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryMali Great Britain
Associated placeFrance
Birth date1979-12-18
Place of birthKremis (Mali)
Field of activitySoccer
Profession or occupationSoccer players
Found inMamady Sidibe, 2013: title page (Mamady Sidibe) back cover (brought up in the suburbs of Paris; played in Premier [Soccer] League (England); played for Mali national team)
Wikipedia web site, December 14, 2015: (Sidibé was born 18 December 1979 in Kremis, Kayes Region in Mali before his family migrated to France when he was two years old)
Associated languagefre