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Sharpe, Ivan, 1889-1968

LC control no.no2016121784
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSharpe, Ivan, 1889-1968
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1889-06-15
Death date1968-02-09
Place of birthSt. Albans (England)
Place of deathSouthport (England)
Field of activitySoccer Sports journalism
Profession or occupationSoccer players Sportswriters
Found inSharpe, Ivan. The Football League jubilee book ... 1963: title page (Ivan Sharpe)
Wikipedia (English), August 30, 2016 (Ivan Gordon Sharpe (15 June 1889, St Albans - 9 February 1968, Southport) was an English amateur association football player; although an amateur himself, he played for several professional clubs; after retirement he enjoyed a long career as a sports journalist, becoming president of the Football Writers Association)
Associated languageeng