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Köppen, Johann Heinrich Justus, 1755-1791

LC control no.no2017041589
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKöppen, Johann Heinrich Justus, 1755-1791
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Variant(s)Koeppen, Johann Heinrich Justus, 1755-1791
Köppen, Johann Heinrich Just, 1755-1791
Koeppen, Johann Heinrich Just, 1755-1791
Other standard no.49973006
Birth date1755-11-15
Death date1791-11-09
Field of activityClassical philology
AffiliationHannover (Germany)
Profession or occupationClassicists Philologists Theological seminary presidents Teachers
Found inSchlichtegroll, Friedrich von. Nekrolog auf das Jahr 1791, 1793: pages 159-77 (Johann Heinr. Just. Köppen, Rektor des Lyceums zu Hannover; born November 15, 1755; died November 9, 1791)
Köppen, Johann Heinrich Just. Erklärende Anmerkungen zum Homers Ilias. IV. Band, 1802: title page (Johann Heinrich Just Köppen)
CERL Thesaurus, March 4, 2017 (Koeppen, Johann Heinrich Justus (1755-1791); born November 15, 1755 in Hannover; died 1791; classical philologist, teacher, philologist)