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Weiss, Johann Heinrich, approximately 1759-1826

LC control no.no2017048767
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWeiss, Johann Heinrich, approximately 1759-1826
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Variant(s)Weiss, J. H. (Johann Heinrich), approximately 1759-1826
Birth date1759~
Death date1826
Place of birthStrasbourg (France)
Profession or occupationCartographers Engravers
Found inAtlas suisse, 1796-1802: plate 1 (levé et dessiné par J.H. Weiss)
Tooley's dictionary of mapmakers, 1999-2004: (Weiss, Colonel Johann Heinrich (c.1759-1826); born in Strasbourg; topographer and engraver in French army; worked in France, Bavaria, and Freiburg; father of Viktor)
VIAF, 17 April 2017 (authorized access points: Weiss, Johann Heinrich, 1759-1826; Weiss, Johann Heinrich, 1758-1826; Weiss, Johann Heinrich)