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Pindel, Tomasz, 1976-

LC control no.no2018095797
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPindel, Tomasz, 1976-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1976
Field of activityTranslating and interpreting
AffiliationUniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Profession or occupationTranslators College teachers
Found inLuiselli, Valeria. Historia moich zębów, 2017: title page (translator, Tomasz Pindel)
VIAF, viewed July 19, 2018 (heading: Pindel, Tomasz, 1976- ; translator)
W głowie tłumaczy, 2019: title page verso (Tomasz Pindel) page 2 of cover (Iberianist, translator of Spanish-language literature; literary scholar; lecturer at the Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie; former worker at the Instytut Książki, where he was involved in the promotion of Polish literature abroad)
Filologia Hiszpańska UP WWW site, September 3, 2019: Tomasz Pindel page (dr Tomasz Pindel; Iberianist; translator of Spanish-language literature; author of a biography of Mario Vargas Llosa; member of the faculty of the Filologia Hiszpańska of the Univezytet Pedagogiczny)
Associated languagepol spa