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Babenstuber, Ludwig, 1660-1726

LC control no.no2018138135
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBabenstuber, Ludwig, 1660-1726
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Variant(s)Babenstuber, Ludovico, 1660-1726
Babenstuber, Ludovicus, 1660-1726
Pabenstuber, Ludwig, 1660-1726
Papenstuber, Ludwig, 1660-1726
See alsoEmployer: Universität Salzburg
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Birth date1660
Death date1726-04-05
Place of birthBavaria (Germany)
Place of deathEttal (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität Salzburg
Profession or occupationTheologians Philosophers
Found inPhilosophia Thomistica Salisburgensis, 1724: title page (Ludovico Babenstuber)
DNB, 12 October 2018 (Babenstuber, Ludwig, 1660-1726; male; born in Deining; died in Ettal; Catholic theologian; professor in Salzburg; other names: Babenstuber, Ludovicus; Pabenstuber, Ludwig; Papenstuber, Ludwig)
Wikipeida, 12 October 2018 (Ludwig Babenstuber; Ludwig Babenstuber (1660--5 April 1726) was a German philosopher and theologian and vice-chancellor of the University of Salzburg; he was born in Teining in Bavaria; he entered the novitiate of the Order of St. Benedict at Ettal Abbey in 1681, made his religious profession in 1682, and thereafter devoted the greater part of his life to teaching; he died at the Benedictine monastery of Ettal)