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Frykowska, Maja, 1977-

LC control no.no2020021284
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFrykowska, Maja, 1977-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Frykowska-Brzezińska, Maja Agnieszka, 1977-
Brzezińska, Maja Agnieszka Frykowska-, 1977-
Frykowska, Agnieszka, 1977-
Frytka, 1977-
Birth date1977-12-23
Found inPokonaj siebie, 2018: t.p. (Maja Frykowska)
Polish-language Wikipedia via Google Translate, viewed Feb. 11, 2020 (Maja Agnieszka Frykowska-Brzezińska, born Agnieszka Frykowska, nickname Frytka (b. Dec. 23, 1977 in Łódź), participant in the third Polish edition of Big Brother and the third and fourth Polish editions of the Bar, former editor-in-chief of the anti-gossip website, former TV presenter Tele 5, actress and singer)