LC control no. | no2020138446 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Albrecht Sigismund, of Bavaria, Prince-Bishop of Freising and Regensburg, 1623-1685 |
Variant(s) | Albert Sigismund, of Bavaria, Prince-Bishop of Freising and Regensburg, 1623-1685 Albert Sigmund, of Bavaria, Prince-Bishop of Freising and Regensburg, 1623-1685 Albertus Sigismundus, episcopus Frinsingensis et Ratisbonensis, 1623-1685 Albrecht Sigismund, Bishof von Freising, 1623-1685 Albrecht Sigismund, Bishof von Regensburg, 1623-1685 Albrecht Sigismund, Herzog von Bayern, 1623-1685 |
Located | Freising (Germany) Regensburg (Germany) |
Birth date | 1623-08-05 |
Death date | 1685-11-04 |
Place of birth | Munich (Germany) |
Place of death | Freising (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Clergy Bishops |
Found in | Lillis, Thomas Bernhardt de. Fünffzehen symbola, M.DC.LXXXV., 1685; title page (Vnser ALbertVs SIgIsMVnD Ist HIn. HersChet Aber NVn EVVig.) Wikipedia, viewed on Nov. 18th, 2020 (Albrecht Sigismund of Bavaria, as bishop also Albert Sigismund or Albert Sigmund, (born August 5th 1623 in Munich, died November 4th, 1685 in Freising) was Prince-Bishop of Freising from 1652 until his death and from 1668 also Prince-Bishop of Regensburg.) <> Katalog der Deutschen National Bibliothek, viewed on Nov. 18th, 2020 (Albert Sigmund, Freising, Bischof; born 1623; died 1685; variant names: Albrecht Sigmund, Bayern, Herzog; Albrecht Sigismund, Freising, Bischof; Albrecht Sigmund, Freising und Regensburg, Bischof; Albertus Sigismundus, Episcopus Frisingensis; Albertus Sigismundus, Episcopus Frisingensis et Ratisbonensis; Albrecht Sigismund, Bayern, Herzog; Albert Sigismund, Freising, Bischof; Albert Sigmund, Bayern, Herzog; Albert Sigmund, Bischof von Freising; Albert Sigmund, Bischof von Regensburg; Albert Sigmund, Herzog von Bayern; Albrecht Sigmund, Bischof von Freising; Albrecht Sigmund, Herzog von Bayern; Albrecht Sigismund, Bischof von Freising; Albert Sigismund, Bischof von Freising; Albrecht Sigismund, Herzog von Bayern; Albert Sigismund, Herzog von Bayern) <> |