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Marcellus II, Pope, 1501-1555

LC control 90016423
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMarcellus II, Pope, 1501-1555
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Variant(s)Cervini degli Spannocchi, Marcello, 1501-1555
Cervini, Marcello, 1501-1555
Marcello II, Pope, 1501-1555
See alsoCatholic Church. Pope (1555 : Marcellus II)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Birth date1501
Death date1555
Found inCatholic Church. Apostolic Nunciature (Germany). Nuntiaturen Morones und Poggios, Legationen Farneses und Cervinis 1539-1540, 1968.
New Cath. encyc. (Marcellus II, Pope; b. Marcello Cervini, 5/6/1501; pontificate 4/9/-5/1/1555)
Marcello II Cervini (1501-1555), c2010: p. 3 (Marcello Cervini degli Spannocchi)