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Sarı Saltuk, active 13th century

LC control 91014207
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSarı Saltuk, active 13th century
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Variant(s)Ṣalṭiḫ, Ṣarı, active 13th century
Saltık, Sarı, active 13th century
Saltuk, Sarı, active 13th century
Ṣarı Ṣalṭiḫ, active 13th century
Sarı Saltık, active 13th century
Sarı Saltuk, 13th cent.
Beginning date12
Found inEbüʼl-Hayr-ı Rumı̂ Saltuk-nâme, 1987: p. iii (Sarı Saltuk)
Ebüʼl-Hayr-ı Rumı̂. Ṣaltuḳ-nâme, 1974: pref. p. 3 (Ṣarı Ṣaltuḳ; Ṣalṭiḫ or Ṣaltiḳ also used; 13th cent. dervish warrior)
Türk ansiklopedisi v. 28, p. 157 (Sarı Saltık Dede)