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Rambach, J. J. (Johann Jacob), 1693-1735

LC control 92030921
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRambach, J. J. (Johann Jacob), 1693-1735
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Variant(s)Rambach, Johann Jacob, 1693-1735
Rambach, Joh. Jacob (Johann Jacob), 1693-1735
Rambach, Ioannes Iacobus, 1693-1735
Rambach, Io. Iacobus (Ioannes Iacobus), 1693-1735
Rambach, Johann Jakob, 1693-1735
LocatedGiessen, Hesse, Germany
Birth date1693
Death date1735
AffiliationJustus Liebig-Universität Giessen
Profession or occupationProfessor Theologian
Found inPieper, R. Evangelisch-lutherische Homiletik [MI] 1901: t.p. (Praecepta Homiletica von Dr. J.J. Rambach)
OCLC database, 12/3/92 (hdg.: Rambach, Johann Jacob, 1693-1735; usage: J.J. Rambach, Johann Jacob Rambach, Joh. Jacob Rambach, Ioannis Iacobi Rambach)
MWA/NAIP files (usage: J. Rambach; Io. Iacobi Rambach; Io. Iac. Rambach; Johann Jakob Rambach; Joh. Jac. Rambach)
Disputatio theologica de maiestate Christi divina Petro vindice et suffragante Grotio adserta, 1732: t.p. (Ioanne Iacobo Rambachio ss. theologiae d. et prof. primar. superint. primo et consist. adressore f autore magna pietate colendo pro facultate aperiendi collegia theologica ... in Academia Gissensi)
Johann Jakob Rambach (1693-1735), 2019.
Associated languagelat ger