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Labus, Giovanni, 1775-1853

LC control 94011316
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLabus, Giovanni, 1775-1853
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Variant(s)Labus, Gio., 1775-1853
Labus, Jean, 1775-1853
Other standard no.12297351
Birth date1775-04-10
Death date1853-10-06
Place of birthBrescia (Italy)
Place of deathMilan (Italy)
Field of activityEpigraphy
AffiliationImperiale Regio Istituto lombardo di scienze, lettere ed arti
Profession or occupationHistorians Epigraphists Archaeologists
Found inDe la certitude de la science des antiquités, 1822: t.p. (Jean Labus)
OCLC database, 4/7/94 (hdg: Labus, Giovanni, 1775-1853 use: Giovanni Labus)
Di una epigrafe antica nuovamente uscita dalle escavazioni Bresciane, 1830: title page (del dottor Gio. Labus)
Veladini, Giovanni. Cenni necrologici intorno ad alcuni membri effettivi dell'I. R. Istituto lomb. di scienze, lettere ed arti, 1857: page 24, etc. (born 10 April 1775 in Brescia, died 6 October 1853 in Milan; archaeologist, epigraphist)
Associated languageita