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Merchant, Natalie

LC control 96009954
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMerchant, Natalie
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See alsoCorporate body: 10,000 Maniacs (Musical group)
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Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1963-10-26
Place of birthJamestown (N.Y.)
Field of activityPopular music Alternative rock music Folk-rock music
Affiliation10,000 Maniacs (Musical group)
Profession or occupationSingers Composers Pianists Sound recording executives and producers
Found inMerchant, N. Tigerlily, p1995.
Int. ww in mus., v. 2, pop. mus., 1st ed. (Merchant, Natalie; b. Oct. 26, 1963; singer, songwriter, pianist)
Int. ww in pop. mus., 13th ed. (Merchant, Natalie; born October 26, 1963; American singer, songwriter, musician (piano), and record producer; founder, lead vocalist, 10,000 Maniacs, 1981-1993)
Oxford music online, June 20, 2013: Enc. of popular music, 4th ed. (Merchant, Natalie; born October 26, 1963, Jamestown, N.Y.)