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Barreto Castro de Mendaña, Isabel, -1612

LC control 96063125
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBarreto Castro de Mendaña, Isabel, -1612
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Variant(s)Barreto Castro de Mendaña, Isabel, d. 1612
Barreto Castro, Isabel, -1612
Barreto, Isabel, -1612
Castro de Mendaña, Isabel Barreto, -1612
Castro, Isabel Barreto, -1612
De Mendaña, Isabel Barreto Castro, -1612
Mendaña, Isabel Barreto Castro de, -1612
Death date1612
Found inEl entorno de Isabel Barreto Castro de Mendaña y su viaje hacia las Islas Salomón, 1595-1596, 1995: p. iii (Isabel Barreto) p. 131 (d. Sept. 3, 1612, in Castrovirreina, Peru) p. 135-137 (Isabel Barreto Castro, wife of Adelantado Alvaro de Mendaña, who, upon his death in the Solomon Islands in 1595, bequeathed his titles and authority to her, so that she became the first and only woman ever to bear the title of Adelantada, Capitana de la Flota y Gobernadora, "único Adelantado del océano de sexo feminino que menciona la historia") p. 127 (remarried in Nov. 1596, in Manila, to Fernando de Castro)