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Apollodorus, of Carystus

LC control 99006328
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingApollodorus, of Carystus
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Variant(s)Apollodor, von Karystos
Apollodoro, di Caristo
Found inDer Phormio des Terenz und der Epidikazomenos des Apollodor von Karystos, 1978.
Oxford classical dict., 1996 (Apollodorus (3) of Carystus; New Comedy poet, 3rd cent B.C., more famous than Apollodorus of Gela; sometimes referred to as 'the Athenian'; wrote 47 plays)
LC in OCLC, Jan. 7, 1999 (hdg.: Apollodorus, of Carystus)
Menandro e la Commedia nuova, 2001: p. 871 (Apollodoro di Caristo)