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Nate Dogg, 1969-2011

LC control 99046215
Personal name headingNate Dogg, 1969-2011
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Dogg, Nate, 1969-2011
Hale, Nathaniel, 1969-2011
Found inNo limit top Dogg, p1999: container (Nate Dogg)
US copyright file, June 29, 1999 (Nate Dogg; Hale, Nathaniel, 1969- )
New York times WWW site, Mar. 17, 2011 (Nate Dogg; b. Nathaniel Dwayne Hale, Aug. 19, 1969, Long Beach, Calif.; d. there Tuesday [Mar. 15, 2011], aged 41; singer with a silky, burly voice who helped shape the sound of West Coast hip-hop)