LC control no. | nr 00013531 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Tifernate, Gregorio, 1414-approximately 1462 |
Variant(s) | Gregorius Tifernas, Publius, 1414-approximately 1462 Gregorius, Tiphernas, 1414-approximately 1462 Tiferna, Gregorio, 1414-approximately 1462 Tifernas, Gregorio, 1414-approximately 1462 Tifernas, Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 Tifernas, Publius Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 Tifernate, Gregorio, 1414-ca. 1462 Tifernate, Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 Tifernus, Publius Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 Tiphernas, Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 Typhernas, Gregorius, 1414-approximately 1462 |
Birth date | 1414 |
Death date | 1462~ |
Found in | Lettere italiane, 2/1990 A 'lost' Pontano manuscript in the Pierpont Morgan Library (M.867), p. 276 (Gregorio Tifernate) Encyc. ital., 1937 (Tifernate, Gregorio; b. 1414; d. Venice ca. 1462) Nouv. biogr. générale, 1866 (Tifernas, Gregorio; b. ca. 1415; d. Venice 1466; Italian Hellenist) BM cat. to 1955, 1967 (Gregorius (Publius) Tifernas; see ref. from Tifernas, Gregorius) NUC pre-56 (Tifernas, Gregorio, 15th cent.) Dict. of Italian Humanists, 1962 (Gregorius Tiphernas (Tifernas, Typhernas); Publius Gregorius Tifernus; Gregorius of Tiphernum; Gregorio da Tiferno) RLIN, Apr. 19, 2000 (hdg.: Tifernas, Gregorio, 15th cent.; Gregorius Tifernas, Publius, ca. 1414-1464; Tifernate Gregorio, 1414-ca. 1462) Polain 3625 (Gregorio Tiferna) |