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Grillandi, Paolo, active 16th century

LC control no.nr2001043312
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrillandi, Paolo, active 16th century
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Variant(s)Grillandi, Paolo, 16th cent.
Grillando, Paolo, active 16th century
Grillandus, Paulus, active 16th century
Ghrilandi, Paolo, active 16th century
Ghirlandus, Paulus, active 16th century
Other standard no.0000000116601503
Beginning date15
Associated placeCastiglione a Casauria (Italy) Abruzzo (Italy)
LocatedRome (Italy)
Birth date1490~
Profession or occupationLawyers Judges
Found inPaulus G[r]illa[n]dus, Tractat[um] de hereticis, 1536
RLIN, October 19, 2001 (hdgs.: Grillandi, Paolo, 16th cent.; Grillandi, Paolo)
Tractatus duo, Unos de sortilegijs, 1592: title page (D. Pauli Grillandi Castellionis, iureconsulti)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed December 7, 2023 (Grillandi, Paolo ; Italian lawyer and judge in Rome; from Castiglione del Conte in Abruzzo; variant names: Grillando, Paolo; Grillandus, Paulus; Ghrilandi, Paolo; Ghirlandus, Paulus)
English Wikipedia, viewed December 7, 2023 (Paolo Grillandi ; born c. 1490 ; was an Italian jurist, from Abruzzo, active as a papal judge in witch trials, from 1517)