LC control no. | nr2003011449 |
Personal name heading | Katarzyna Opalińska, Queen, consort of Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1680-1747 |
Variant(s) | Catherine Opalinska, Queen, consort of Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1680-1747 Opalinska, Catherine, Queen, consort of Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1680-1747 Lorraine, Catherine Opalinska, duchesse de, 1680-1747 Bar, Catherine Opalinska, duchesse de, 1680-1747 Katarzyna Leszczyńska, Queen, consort of Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1680-1747 Leszczyńska, Katarzyna, Queen, consort of Stanisław I Leszczyński, King of Poland, 1680-1747 |
Found in | Oraison funebre de très-haute, très-puissante et très-excellente Princesse, Catherine Opalinska, Reine de Pologne, Grande Duchesse de Lithuanie, Duchesse de Lorraine et de Bar, 1747 Polski słownik biograficzny (Katarzyna Opalińska; queen of Poland; married to Stanislaw I; also dutchess of Lorraine and Bar.) World biog. index (WWW), 1 Apr. 2003 (Opalinska, Catherine reine de Pologne, duchesse de Lorraine et de Bar; also: Lorraine, Catherine Opalinska, duchesse de; Bar, Catherine Opalinska, duchesse de; 1680-1747) Słownik władców polskich, 1999: p. 191 (Katarzyna Leszczyńska) Brittanica online, 22 Sept. 2003: under Stanislaw I (Stanislaw Leszcynski, king of Poland from 1704-1709 and 1733; placed on the throne by Charles XII of Sweden in 1704; deposed by Augustus II in 1709; regained throne after death of Augustus in 1733, but his election was annulled by an invasion by Russia and Austria; as part of the Peace of Vienna of 1738, Augustus III was recognized as King of Poland, but Stanislaw was allowed to retain his royal titles, and was granted the provinces of Lorraine and Bar for life) |