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Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-1947

LC control no.nr2003017765
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-1947
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Variant(s)Mottistone, Lord, 1868-1947
Seely, J. E. B. (John Edward Bernard), 1868-1947
Seely, Jack, 1868-1947
Birth date18680531
Death date19471107
Field of activityPolitics
Profession or occupationSoldiers Politicians Legislators
Found inGalloper Jack, 2003: p. 3 (Jack Seely) p. 12 (b. 31 May 1868) p. 363 (d. 4 Nov. 1947)
Warrior: the amazing story of a real war horse, 2013: title page (General Jack Seely)
OCLC database, July 1, 2011 (usage: J.E.B. Seely; John Edward Bernard Seely Mottistone, 1st Baron; Lord Mottistone; Major-General Seely; Lord Mottistone (General Jack Seely); hdgs.: Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, 1st Baron; Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-; Mottistone, John Edward Bernard Seely, Baron, 1868-1947; Seely, Jack; Seely, Jack, 1868-1947)
Wikipedia WWW site, Jun. 14, 2011 (J. E. B. Seely, 1st Baron Mottistone (John Edward Bernard Seely, 1st Baron Mottistone); b. May 31, 1868, Brookhill Hall, Derbyshire, d. Nov. 7, 1947, Westminster; British soldier and politician; he was a Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) from 1900 to 1904 and a Liberal MP from 1904 to 1922 and from 1923 to 1924 ; raised to the peerage as Baron Mottistone, of Mottistone in the County of Southampton, on June 21, 1933)
Associated languageeng