LC control no. | nr2003022975 |
Personal name heading | Hewitt, Patricia, 1948- |
Special note | Formerly on undifferentiated name record: n 81083913 |
Found in | NCCL Women's Rights Conference, London, 1974. Danger! women at work, 1974 Women's votes, 1989: t.p. (Patricia Hewitt) Who's who via WWW, July 16, 2003 (Patricia Hope Hewitt; b. Dec. 2, 1948; educ. C. of E. Girl's Grammar Sch., Canberra; Australian Nat. Univ.; Newnham Coll., Univ. of Cambridge; MP (Lab.) for Leicester West since 1997; writes chiefly about rights but is also co-author of Your second baby) |