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Loewe, Heinrich, 1869-1951

LC control 87000783
Personal name headingLoewe, Heinrich, 1869-1951
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Leṿeh, Hainrikh, 1869-1951
לאוו, היינריך, 1869-1951
לוה, אליקים הינריך, 1869־1951
לווה, הינריך, 1869־1951
לויי, לואיס
Sachse, Heinrich, 1869-1951
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inWeinberg, J.L. Aus der Frühzeit des Zionismus, 1946: t.p. (Heinrich Loewe) p. 18 (b. 1869 in Wanzleben, Germany)
LC in RLIN, 11-12-87 (MLC hdg.: Loewe, Heinrich, 1869-1951)
Hainrikh Leṿeh, 1939.
EJ, 2007 (" ... his writings on Zionism ... published in part under the pseudonym Heinrich Sachse")