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Danzas, I︠U︡lii︠a︡ Nikolaevna, 1879-1942

LC control 90004933
Personal name headingDanzas, I︠U︡lii︠a︡ Nikolaevna, 1879-1942
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Variant(s)Danzas, Iulia Nikolaevna, 1879-1942
See alsoNikolaev, I︠U︡rīĭ, 1879-1942
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Special notePseudonym not found on separately published works: Nash.
Found inNikolaev, I︠U︡. Zaprosy mysli, 1908: t.p. (I︠U︡rīĭ Nikolaev)
Masanov. Slovarʹ psevd. (Danzas, I︠U︡lii︠a︡ Nikolaevna; historian; pseuds.: 1) Nash; 2) Nikolaev, I︠U︡riĭ)
Vronskaya, J. Biogr. dict. of the Sov. Union, 1917-1988, 1989: (Danzas, Iulia Nikolaevna, 1879-1942; author, nun; lady-in-waiting to last Russ. empress before WWI; interested in theosophy; prof. of hist. of relig. at Petrograd U., 1917; emigrated 1932 to Berlin and France, organized Centre of Sov. Studies, Istina; pub. of Russie et Chretienté)