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Stern, Abraham, 1907-1942

LC control 90025113
LC classificationPJ5053.S865
Personal name headingStern, Abraham, 1907-1942
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Shṭern, Avraham, 1907-1942
Stern, Yair, 1907-1942
Shṭern, Yaʼir, 1907-1942
Stern, Avraham, 1907-1942
Yair, 1907-1942
שטרן, אברהם
שטרן, אברהם (יאיר)
שטרן, אברהם, 1907־1942
שטרן, אברהם, 2491־7091
שטרן, אברהם, 7091־2491
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Cannot identify with: Stern, Abraham.
Found inAmichal Yeivin, A. Ba-argaman, 1986: t.p. (Yaʼir; Avraham Shṭern) added t.p. (Yair [in rom.]; Abraham Stern [in rom.])
Encyc. Judaica, 1971 (Stern, Avraham; underground name Yaʼir; 1907-1942; leading underground fighter in Palestine)